Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ingnerit Pride

I caint find their filthy hovels on a stupid map but they wasted lives just really dont matter, anyways
Listen, we got anuf good common sense ta know that too many books makes a guy all like fuzzy
Don’t wanna be like them lame 4-eyed scientists and socialists always getting beat up on the TV
As far as Im concerned, my modified pickup truck mufflers speak way clearer than all their big words

Look, we got awesome Traditional Family Values® goin way back to them whatever pilgirm forfathers
Dont know how them Euros handle like healthcare, And Hey, You! I don’t need ta go find out either
Damn right I’m voting to keep this country strong - Whatever it takes we aint going soft on dEfense
Hell No, I don’t believe they depend on keeping us ignerunt cause it makes us easier to lead around

Think I’m stupid? – I’kin recite hunerds of smirky soundbites, sports stats, movie plots and ad lines
I just echo our born-again leaders so-obvious sarcastic disdain for overcomplicatin and regulatin stuff
Fer example, this jobkillin global warmin hoax: I dont wanna be out looking for work to pay fer that
And facists are pushin to limit how many kids we can have while them foreign heathens outbreed us

Wunc we get rid of the damn unions we’ll get new teachers in there who can fix up them test scores
We seen clips from overseas and dammit we don’t need one bit of that backward, heathenistic crap
Abortion is murder, no matter what happens after to the sinful 40% born without a dad or a chance
I’m fightin this unconstitutional healthcare takeover by giving up going ta the unaffordable doctor

Proud of my weight as any of my spandex-clad football heroes bending way over in front of me in HD
Dang right we gotta fix this deficit and we can do it without raisin taxes or cutting my medycare
Yup, them intrusive regelations are socialist Nanny Meddlin that just costs us good jobs and money
Unnecessary envirernment rules are stiflin innovation and oughta go away right with that damn EPA

Ya just can’t make me eat raw broccoli with squishy tofu or go damn exercise all the time, either
Hell yes, we need concealed weapons - to protect our kids from that hands-on 3rd grade homo sex-ed
Its a damn lie that watchful conservative media leaders are just putting us on for they rich donors
We only gotta cut out the wasted foreign aid, welfare fraud, NPR and PBS junk to balance the budget

We focus on important stuff like gun control, abortion, flag burning, school prayer and real marriage
Yeah right, like families should pay for that clean air, good water and healthy habitat mumbo-jumbo
And them girly sustainabillies are all like butthurt about how our good old red meat gets to the table
Keep yer meddlesome cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and blood pressure propaganda to yerselves

To hell with your twisted satistics, this here is still ThE greatest country ever on our gods green earth
No need to study up on issues cause the liberal media elite in control are just spreading falsehoods
Pickups and SUVs are the only way to idle the drivethru lines in obese, climate-controlled comfort
We aint payin for no whatever crumbling inferstruter or some wack-science mass extinction, either

It’s just sa damn obvious: We got a thousand years of energy independence with this new Clean Coal
Forget silly high-speed rail, teeny lectric cars, lameass solar and stupid windmills and Drill,Baby,Drill
So yeah, with god’s blessing and the worlds greatest army, we do pretty much got it all together
It’s a damn fine Morning in America and our precious kids remain tomorrows ordained global leaders

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Arbeit Macht Frei

Work Shall Free You – Auschwitz Camp Motto
I really wasn’t ready to be retired at 50 for now I can see how work lent a real meaning to my life
Anyways, I got no savings for healthcare issues and my social security is fading like a union pension
So, I’m doing what I thought I always wanted to and it’s part-time, minimum wage with no benefits
I’m serving my community and I must ignore the fact that the good working folk take me for a fool

Giving back and paying it forward, it’s all on my stairway to eternal freedom in that promised heaven
Sure I was outsourced with no benes into a forced, early retirement from my real career, but so what
I overcame that costly, uninsured, depression-induced coronary to assume a voluntary leadership role
Maybe some of those still working snicker at me, but I, too, wake up early every day with lots to do

Got more time to spend with friends and family - It’s really too bad they’re all just too busy for me
Finally organized some household messes, the garage and really got my photo albums together
The wife’s still working and they’re having a tough time dislodging her, but they’ll win in the end
Always thought I hated my jobs but I see they were anchor points in my careening, out-of-focus life

Going to work got me out of the house, dried up the alcohol and cleansed my bleary guilt
The banks let me leverage my pitiful income stream with credit cards and liar home equity loans
But none of the cool ads are aimed at me now, just those nonstop, identical Ask your doctor abouts
Though I pissed and moaned about work, it was really much more stable than my so-called family

No Sir, I aint bitter over being out on my ass with no savings, let alone even one single job interview
I see it’s just that the omnipotent free market has replaced off-shored careers with Wal*Mart McJobs
Anyways, I remain on the righteous path, comforted in a decaying poverty by my personal savior
Im not even counted among the unemployed since I finally stopped looking for those nonexistent jobs

Should be going back to school but I cant qualify for even more new loans at my age, with my debts
Learning to seek truth in the menial household tasks I always viewed as being so far beneath me
But the awful loneliness and fear arising from being left out of the work herd still tugs at my gut
Heard of one job that suited me to a tee but now they say I’ve just been out of work for too long

Arbeit Macht Frei, and yup, now I could find meaning shoveling mass graves, if they provided benefits
Thought about becoming a consultant but of course as an ordinary failure, my market is pretty small
Got a tight online career network going and my robo-resumes fill auto-emptied email inboxes daily
Staring down 30 years of increasing poverty and deteriorating health is now just my cross to bear

Swallowing Personal Responsibility for my unemployability keeps me quiet about entitlement cuts
I’m quite stimulated spending hours playing dodge-em phone tag with my many outsourced creditors
But I know in my exceptionist bones that God’s blessings to richer Americans will trickle down on me
Wishing I had the selfish vanity to pursue the steady, secure, artificial work of the career politician

Monday mornings I still feel like I need to be somewhere even though I always thought I hated it
So ashamed that I don’t need to save time, got no deadlines and that my schedule isn’t even full
Simply want to always be looking forward to all the lost weekends and forgotten holidays once again
Oh, for the joys of wasted commutes, wolfed fast food, crazy schedules and well-earned couch time

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Too Certain Of Our Self-Evident Superiority

Louder and more positive on all matters in direct proportion to the level of our willful ignorance
Too guilt-free and too smug following the privately-disclosed will of our omnipotent personal saviors
Too certain of the absolute righteousness that girds each of our noble and patriotic interventions
Over-confident in our strengths, which we are not even aware that we have never actually tested

Far too sure that tomorrow, god must again bless us with yet another blue sky Morning in America
Over-committed to that unquestionable, untested faith with which we blindly suckle our constituents
Too secure with the military reaction we say is our last resort but is always first on the table
Too busy building our future for the irrelevance of an unlearned history or our warehoused elders

Trusting without question in the omnipotently blind hand of their artfully-staged free marketplace
So easily tuning out all conflicting evidence without the slightest apparent conscious effort
Too blindly convinced of our own superiority to even listen to how silly EuroHivers do anything
Foolishly coddling sociopath corporate leaders scheming in the partial vacuum of corner office suites

Too certain that we don’t yet know enough to take any sort of too-expensive regulation, too soon
Overly content with the exceptionist duty their wise media priests tell us is our global cross to bear
Far too quick to defiantly bray out that all others are either with us or we are already against them
Mindlessly making payments for the ponzi promises of charlatan religious con artists

Too accepting of economic policy created by their industry donors behind closed government doors
Too dazzled by super bright patriotism to notice that the fatherland is decaying all around us
Overly willing to take on whopping debt trying vainly to realize vapid, implanted marketing illusions
Snapping too fast onto catchphrase judgments that belittle the unwelcome research of science

Way too quickly dismissing the myriad of different societies and beliefs which fully surround us
So unconscionably accepting of an ill-considered, falsely-justified and failed interventionism
Powerless to question our faith in a copyrighted capitalism, freedom and democracy as exports
Suicidally-chained to their myth of man’s separation from, and superiority over, the natural world

Too eager to blurt out 10 second takeaways to take the time to think things through before we speak
Tragicomically over-committed to houses, cars, lawns, TV, smartphones and coptering the kids
So very hopelessly addicted to excess quantities of red meat, sugar, caffeine, fat, salt and sloth
So wrapped up in a self-absorbed materialism we even label it as our proud and virtuous legacy

Too sure that ever more for the rich means a trickle drips down their drains onto the underclass
Too positive that their rising tide does not simply flood the dank cells of the poor with their wastes
Far too childishly demanding instant, clean, cheap energy alternatives after years at the oil nipple
Much too content to gruntingly nurse on their pureed, pre-digested and fiber-free sound bites

So certain of our righteousness that we can demand God’s blessing at every public occasion
Too carelessly mortgaging our futures with pointless military spending on barefoot boogeyman
Placing way too much weight on the canned music and video that wafts their hot-air slogans
Far too happy to keep the masses ignorant because that way they are so much easier to control

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Too Wise To Compromise

Reflexively denigrating all, even those rare, honest efforts to slash social spending or lower taxes
Too quick to accept the loud and postured, endlessly-repeated cawing of bristly rightwingers
Criminally elitist, yet sinfully disdainful of the exceptionist role granted only to us by our Creator
Unable to get beyond mere dry facts and figures to embrace this: ThE greatest country in the world

Too certain that even the quietly faithful are just utterly senseless, conned and frightened sheep
Far too full of skepticism regarding the incandescent jingoism of our new Traditional Family Values
Too quick to fall back upon a sardonic humor laced with bitter sarcasm to belittle real patriotism
Too paralyzed by their excessive junk science facts and intrusive alternatives to enact bold solutions

Too sure that trivia, sloth and greed have fatally infected our populace with a prideful ignorance
Too committed to the sacred belief that unquestioned faith is, in reality, simply a disabling handicap
Too certain that all organized religions are but old and wornout legends worked as scams for control
Too morally relativistic, believing that nothing we do can matter in our brief instant here on earth

Too busy deciding which costly commissioned catchphrase to repeat next to hear any other voices
So smothered by conflicting details as to be unable to take any rational action on the bigger picture
So overwhelmed by their own excess of facts, figures and opinions as to be totally immobilized
Too quick with that sarcastic smirk when all the illiterate lowlifes just don’t get it - Once again

Hopelessly addicted to a hazy, half-baked opiate dream of a tired socialist, New-Age Garden of Eden
Way too sure that slick advertising hype could actually be replaced by whatever reasoned debate
Far too suspicious of leaders who rely on their personal savior’s counsel to make guilt-free decisions
Too quickly dismissive and overly arrogant due to an excessive and totally unproven faith in reason

Too caught up in books and ideas to make any constructive difference whatsoever in the real world
Always and automatically looking first to their government nanny’s teat to solve every social problem
Bloated with a fatal hubris garnered from their pathetic belief that Man is the measure of all things
Blindly preaching an end to violence despite all the incontrovertible pop-science counter-evidence

Too busy trying to tax and spend to note their own closer circling of that widening drain to poverty
Too willing to throw our tax money at the fuzzy math of their vast junk science climate conspiracy
Skillful at acting like real common folk while living up to the responsibility of Ivy League backgrounds
Too slick at pimping wasteful deficit infrastructure spending as sure-fire, no-risk investments

Autonomously committed to government’s moral authority and ability to solve all of our problems
Too stubborn to see how controlling assault weapons is the slippery slope leading to dictatorship
Too eager to hand sovereignty to godless OneWorlders but against patriotic global outsourcing
Too often hamstringing our great economy with unnecessary and expensive bureaucratic regulation

Too deaf to the working people’s real needs to join in their loyal chorus of ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’
Still denying that constituent sacrifice in pre-emptively defensive crusades of liberation is not in vain
Unwilling even to admit that The Best and the Brightest of Wall Street really are our greatest hope
Unable to see that the blind hand of the noble free market automagically solves any and all problems

Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Crumbling Happy Ever After

Met a girl and we fell in love and had 3 of just the most precious and exceptional children, Ever
Wound up divorced and them kids caint read but they are all like totally pierced and tattooed

LiarLoaned us a home with equity potential and a pool, and we made it into our family piggy bank
Refied and spent it all on ourselves and then strategically defaulted on all the underwater notes

Tried sucking my way up in various firms faking it for long hours, weekends and many holidays
They outsourced me permanently at age 50, broke, without a pension – and no benefits til I’m 70

God blessed us with America so we wreaked a violent, and chaotic dominion from sea to shining sea
Ran out of new resources to exploit but do have lots of debts, dirty water and poisoned air to pass on

We worked and saved all our lives, held our heads up high and did not owe a penny to anyone
Wound up broke and drugged, numb and neglected laying in our own wastes, in a septic nursing home

Charged ourselves every new electro-gizzie that the hordes of Chinese slaves provided us on credit
Then we just cut up them cards - since the government bailed out the banks: It was OK for us as well

Worked for years trying to build a sense of community in what we railed on as our racial toxic ghetto
Got pushed out by higher taxes as greedy white developers moved in and gentrified right around us

Finally managed to retire with a little money and a good wife to that long-awaited happily ever after
Lasted nearly 2 years before the pre-funeral healthcare industry swallowed up our entire savings

Followed the call to serve my beloved country and they forged us into a noble warrior team
Now I lay here with my honored brothers for as long as forever really might be to we human beings

Clucked our tongues from inside our cars at the crumbling Indian ruins in that hot and dusty desert
Cause now we know the way to the Happily Ever After, smug in pre-redeemed and everlasting souls

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Not Yet Explicitly Prohibited

If there is not yet explicit regulation on their newest chemical additive, they wont study it’s effects
Like teens who haven’t developed morality, they smash, grab and slink away in every direction
Closet leaders fear regulations far more than any societal problems their corporate activities create
In fact, they pay gibberish-speaking lawyers fortunes to amorally circumvent good faith legislation

But they make up for it with warm and folksy ads glorifying their respect and love for their people
Technically avoiding doing what is right is a profitable game they’ve rigged, and they play hardball
Fact is, if you don’t ease up on the intrusive regulations, they’ll find tax breaks someplace that will
And how the workers clamor for jobs they provide that keep their families just at the poverty line

They’ll tell you to your face that mining waste cleanup truly has no place on their income statements
Besides, no rules prohibited them declaring bankruptcy, moving away and leaving us a mess behind
It was more profitable to fight health claims for years in court rather than to aid sick ex-employees
They are not responsible for outsourced ingredients, manufacturing or design, and so it should stay

Sagely they take advantage of lower labor costs overseas, helping everyone to an equal poverty level
They trumpet their social advances even though their workers cannot afford the items they produce
But, lo, their own payouts increase yearly, just as surely as healthcare costs and defense outlays
Loading loan fund tranches with dogs and hedging against their purchasers was not explicitly illegal

They’ll spin off unprofitable divisions so fast it makes their workers heads spin in unemployment lines
They routinely swallow up each other using that merge, cut labor 20% and reap-a-fat-bonus formula
Their empty ruthlessness masked by folksy spokespeople pushing an expensive but empty spin
Accountants advise them it’s more profitable to buy research than to stop poisoning mother’s milk

Their fanatical need to money and power is genetically free of any element of social responsibility
Safe behind anonymizing corporate doors they freely exercise their compulsive and narrow excesses
Their lack of empathy regarding the effect of their actions on others is just vile corporate sociopathy
Like deceitful pre-adolescents, their complicated defense is really: You never said not to do Tha-yat

They take full $credit for success but deny any knowledge and control when ‘excesses’ are revealed
It’s funny how their expensive expertise transfers from soft drinks to computer software, undiluted
But don’t you try to get a job in another field without both Years of training and Lots of experience
And don’t forget their legacies – fictionalized biographies, as artificial as their bogus press releases

When legislation finally comes, their cleanup is grandfathered out and off they go to freer markets
They cancel pensions to remain competitive but their ironclad contracts pay off come profit or loss
Their glitzy stories change with each co-opted social movement but they never lose their real focus
They lobby fiercely against rules to cure side-effects any moral being would have fixed on their own

They waltz off to re-appear under different corporate names with their bonuses and org-charts intact
They follow the letter of the law, profiting on the not-yet-explicitly-prohibited for as long as possible
Quietly pulling strings, pushing buttons and making donations, they flourish outside of governments
Vain little banty roosters in tailored suits strutting adroitly around laws their own lawyers crafted

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Support Our Troops - End The Ignoble Crusades

Back our boys overseas by trying their smirking Ex-CommanderInChief for crimes against humanity
Ensure their noble sacrifice for that falsely-advertised, ill-considered, massive blunder is not in vain
Put their bravely sarcastic ex-Defense Secretary on trial for a willful negligence and blind hubris
Don’t lets leave their brave young asses hanging out being picked off by 2’s and 3’s for years
Support our troops - by demanding an education that at least prepares them for military tasks

Charge our leaders with the looting, crime, destruction, unguarded weapons and lost oil revenues
Try them for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens and for starting bloody civil wars
Let that smirky-cocky ‘Mission Accomplished’ photo-op be the giant backdrop to their show trials
Convict them and make them apologize, unshaven, in handcuffs and jumpsuits, at the United Nations
Jail them but do not forget their actions and, above all, do not ever let them forget them, either

Support our troops - with the simple unvarnished truth and let them make their own decisions
Carefully document their wack and cynical propaganda about freeing long-suffering peoples
Replay that confident promise that their oil would pay for our war in light of the awful reality
Make them wander the desert, dressed in rags, for many years searching for those fictional WMDs
Back our defense effort by bringing to account the contract waste and fraud of their donors

Ask how a few deadender Jihadi illiterates in caves stymied our trillion dollar modern day Crusade
Make them answer their own question as to whose lives are better now than they were before
Institutionalize them for making private decisions with Jesus regarding issues of national security
Strip them naked and take their pictures cringing together, pissing themselves before savage dogs
Take away their society, destroy their jobs, homes and families and then tell them to step up

Back our boys by showing their painful suffering and burials live on any media that so chooses
Put our leaders on display with the civilian dead - with continuous quotes of their utter nonsense
Stop us from subsidizing those same terrorists every single time we vapidly fill our gluttonous SUVs
Waterboard that cranky old ex-vp until he himself finally chokes up some actionable intelligence
Fortify our position by condemning Rumsfeldt to permanently stand in some filthy Baghdad prison

Make Bush compete live in prayer against some smelly, scowling Iman for days on end
And force ol’ W to finally speak for himself and answer unscripted questions from real reporters
Help our boys out by isolating, quarantining, abandoning and monitoring the Middle East
Offer all the Israelis a home and an emigration subsidy and then just get the hell out for good
End these ignoble Crusades and leave the hate-filled sects to feud in that desert so-called holy land

Leave them to the sand and sun and flies, basking in the ignorant smell of dried camel dung
Support our troops via energy independence, less military spending and an infrastructure rebuild
Publicize how their wondrous Surges all ended with our retreat and the return of sectarian killing
Stop the critical monetary hemorrhage that drains our financial lifeblood into dry desert sands
Let the evangelical Christians raise their own private armies if they still need to wage holy wars

Cage Wolfowicz and Rove down at Guantanamo with the rest of their unlawful combatants
Have George explain before the cameras how God privately counseled him into this sickening mess
Be brave like our boys and quit trembling over those made-up-for-tv bogeyman lead stories
Make them pay dearly for stupidly offering up a nation rich in petroleum to immoral terrorists
Force them to finally listen to those who dared say an invasion would invite in the Jihadists

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Inalienable Reperductive Rights

Yup, god give us the duty ta drop all the damn kids we want without needin no license er trainin
We can proudly pass on shared ignorance and media-generated superstition just as much as we want
Look, dinit our precious savior say ta go forth and out-multiply them filthy infiydels, anyways?
It’s easy to see that overpopolation is one more phony left-wing plot, just like that global warmin

Mothers really dont need fathers to raise children, so you go on ahead, get high and pregnant agin
We’ll stand with you, shoot the abortion killers then abandon your bastard kids to poverty and prison
Yes, we can - Piously ignore the fact that the poor over-propagate while the educated barely breed
Our land needs many more people anyway cuz we gotta meet the growin threata them asian hordes

Don’t forget that god grants us the right to kill to prevent abortionist murder of the innocent unborn
But, after that, it’s every fatherless 6th generation welfare crank mother’s amoral, fat kid fer itself
Duh-uh, of course! All your blessed progeny toddle happily off into a brighter future than you did
They’ll outcompete the world for the best new McJobs over ta Wal*Mart, Conoco and Starbucks

After all aint them Traditional Family Values™ they got everybody on all about our precious children?
We just need to mono-crop miracle GMOs on more razed marginal habitat to meet our food needs
By God, aint nobody gonna tell you that yer too stupid, unhealthy, ignerant and poor to have kids!
You caint help with homework but you can sure teach em how to drink, fight, be lazy and get fat

Not only is it against gods will, your so-called family planning is namely a racist and genocidal plot
Look, Ārăb terrorists out-reperduce us right now so its our sacred duty to rear lotsa new believers
We aint overpopulatin like some damn algae bloom on the earth that’s doomed to crash real hard
The sky aint fallin and the world can support 10 billion people with only a coupla real minor tweaks

So, yeah, go ingrain yer kids with such true patriotic ideals like self-entitlement and ignerent pride
They’ll figure out slick ways to bottle recycled sewage and Ag-chemical runoff water fer drinkin
Anybody who says we are like robbing the future haint looked at my darlin’ offspring lately
Goddamn right every life is sacred: Even if we pre-condemn it to an ignorant and grinding poverty

After all, we aint never lettin facists or liberals get up there and tell us who kin breed and who caint
Plus, the government owes us fat subsidies and tax breaks for reperducing according ta His will
All of those foregone little bastards got the right to rot at the same failed schools and costly prisons
Masturbation, prostitution and birth control are also mortal sins, so dont you ever go there, either

Hey, But there aint no way we’re letting them wicked and depraved queers get help havin kids
Yet we must help the handicapped fulfill they human destinies with costly, hi-tech reperductive aids
Our evangelicals can proudly push His message of faith-based abstention onto them foreign heathens
We’ll shuffle our own unwanted and neglected to foster homes and such til theyre old enough for jail

We’ll just let the free market provide pre-natal care for the unborn in sin of them godless iniquitous
They can get their damn infant enrichment laying in baskets at the poisoned edges of the onion fields
The entire world population could all comfortably fit into west Texas, so what is your real agenda?
Yup, with god and country on our side, our sacred duty is to spread our seed, be fruitful and multiply

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ask Your Doctor About

"I mean, people have access to health care in America. They can just go to the emergency room." – George Bush
Ask your caregiver why his fees must inevitably rise twice as fast as everything else, every year
Talk to your doctor about his new cars, private planes and royally-spoiled kids at the finest schools
Have him tell you about all the selfless pro-bono work he does for fully half a day nearly every month
Get him to describe those usurious insurers and that fraud-ridden government Medicare system

Make him a list of the 300 conditions you may just have, but you never heard of before the glitzy ads
Let him explain why our medical system, second rate at best, is by far the costliest on the planet
Hear why practicing prevention instead of Pay-Per-Service is the steep slope to socialism
Then, learn how free-market competition is the only route to a values-based universal healthcare

Ask your plastic surgeon about his solemn Hippocratic contribution to the betterment of our society
Have him explain why they need to make so much for sacred work they swore they would do for free
Ask for some of the free samples he sells and the kickbacks he get from the Big Pharma salesmen
Just try to find out if your insurance covers something before both they and the doctor bill you

See if they’ll tell you how much they make on every test they order for you, necessary or not
Ask why they need so much money for doing such noble, fulfilling, interesting and useful work
Ask your doctor about the many physicians lives that were shattered during the Great Recession
Get an explanation of how simply slashing benefits would reduce waste, fraud, inefficiency and costs

Find out why life expectancy and infant mortality are worse here even though we pay so much more
Be sure to internalize their gospel regarding faceless death panels and government grandma killing
But, simply disregard that we already ration treatment by pricing more out of insurance every day
Learn how simple tort reform and interstate insurance competition would surely make it All Better

Make sure to proudly ignore whatever any and all irrelevant foreign countries do for their sick
Never forget that healthcare is an industry and, as such, does best without government nannying
Universal access to doctors aint even a constitutional right – but, by our grace, you may go to the ER
Demand to choose your physician and cultivate that relationship though he mispronounces your name

Be sure and learn about the wastefully socialistic consequences of some evil single-payer system
Ask your doctor how he rakes in so much but contributes less to public health than a garbageman
Find out how specialist pimp perqs guided the treatment referral he just wrote out for you
Learn how a quarter million in education debt motivates them to provide affordable care for us

Study the ways their tax-deductible ski-resort product seminars benefit healthcare consumers
Discover the dangerous public health menace posed by nurse practitioners and physician assistants
Realize that Do no harm has been guiltlessly conflated with Do nothing without their insurance card
Understand that the inability to find good BMW mechanics reduces practitioners in rural areas

Become aware of the necessity of spending 20 cents of every GDP dollar on the healthcare vampire
Help your doctor preserve his right to focus on heavily-advertised and high-profit Mommy Makeovers
Learn about the benefits of payment plan gastric bypasses over healthy diets and a little exercise
Ask how pushing cost increases onto patients could really end Medicare waste, fraud and inefficiency