Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Too Wise To Compromise

Reflexively denigrating all, even those rare, honest efforts to slash social spending or lower taxes
Too quick to accept the loud and postured, endlessly-repeated cawing of bristly rightwingers
Criminally elitist, yet sinfully disdainful of the exceptionist role granted only to us by our Creator
Unable to get beyond mere dry facts and figures to embrace this: ThE greatest country in the world

Too certain that even the quietly faithful are just utterly senseless, conned and frightened sheep
Far too full of skepticism regarding the incandescent jingoism of our new Traditional Family Values
Too quick to fall back upon a sardonic humor laced with bitter sarcasm to belittle real patriotism
Too paralyzed by their excessive junk science facts and intrusive alternatives to enact bold solutions

Too sure that trivia, sloth and greed have fatally infected our populace with a prideful ignorance
Too committed to the sacred belief that unquestioned faith is, in reality, simply a disabling handicap
Too certain that all organized religions are but old and wornout legends worked as scams for control
Too morally relativistic, believing that nothing we do can matter in our brief instant here on earth

Too busy deciding which costly commissioned catchphrase to repeat next to hear any other voices
So smothered by conflicting details as to be unable to take any rational action on the bigger picture
So overwhelmed by their own excess of facts, figures and opinions as to be totally immobilized
Too quick with that sarcastic smirk when all the illiterate lowlifes just don’t get it - Once again

Hopelessly addicted to a hazy, half-baked opiate dream of a tired socialist, New-Age Garden of Eden
Way too sure that slick advertising hype could actually be replaced by whatever reasoned debate
Far too suspicious of leaders who rely on their personal savior’s counsel to make guilt-free decisions
Too quickly dismissive and overly arrogant due to an excessive and totally unproven faith in reason

Too caught up in books and ideas to make any constructive difference whatsoever in the real world
Always and automatically looking first to their government nanny’s teat to solve every social problem
Bloated with a fatal hubris garnered from their pathetic belief that Man is the measure of all things
Blindly preaching an end to violence despite all the incontrovertible pop-science counter-evidence

Too busy trying to tax and spend to note their own closer circling of that widening drain to poverty
Too willing to throw our tax money at the fuzzy math of their vast junk science climate conspiracy
Skillful at acting like real common folk while living up to the responsibility of Ivy League backgrounds
Too slick at pimping wasteful deficit infrastructure spending as sure-fire, no-risk investments

Autonomously committed to government’s moral authority and ability to solve all of our problems
Too stubborn to see how controlling assault weapons is the slippery slope leading to dictatorship
Too eager to hand sovereignty to godless OneWorlders but against patriotic global outsourcing
Too often hamstringing our great economy with unnecessary and expensive bureaucratic regulation

Too deaf to the working people’s real needs to join in their loyal chorus of ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’
Still denying that constituent sacrifice in pre-emptively defensive crusades of liberation is not in vain
Unwilling even to admit that The Best and the Brightest of Wall Street really are our greatest hope
Unable to see that the blind hand of the noble free market automagically solves any and all problems

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