Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fighting off that New World Order, One Day At A Time

Taking it Nice and Easy and Keeping it Simple and Real
Got to keep them subversive liberal plots at bay, especially during my long and lonely, dark nights
I’m always on guard against tumbling back into their falsely-complex and sorely-conflicted details
Just need to stay focused on our family as per the good book and then things will naturally work out
My sponsors in this join me on TV every day and they massage that Good Message deep into my heart

One day at a time is how we get by in this sinful world that constantly strives to corrupt our souls
We must battle the temptations of junk science as ever laid bare before us on our free phone Apps
Our ears are closed to the melodic siren songs of their elitist lies, half-truths and hypnotizing slogans
Verily, we rest upon the strength of a literalist revealed message standing as a great rock beneath us

When my belief is tested, I orient to the beacon of conservative talking heads for merciful assurance
Thusly, at least for this one day, such as that vast and costly climate hoax shall not enslave my mind
I promise to look right on past the poverty that surrounds me one more time on my way home tonight
Yes, I am saved by swallowing the simple black and white as served up by my media opinion leaders

I find the strength to ignore our future by staying lost in the lofty pursuit of daily family happiness
I’m not succumbing to their sovereignty-stealing internationalism or fuzzy maths, not for this 1 night
I march on, Clean and Sober, wiped with purest bible dogma and tightly swaddled in unyielding faith
Easy Does It, in fact, super easy and absolutely just as simple as I can possibly have it spooned in me

Ceded my authority, responsibility and control to a higher power – But…I still order my wife around
Really like the sound of forever and for always even though I pledge to take life one day at a time
Still, I’m better now than I used to be, no longer fretting privately over those false uncertainties
Stopped dousing my fears with drugs and pulled a protective burka of blind faith down over my head

I pledge to end entitlements one by one to focus upon feeding the defense and healthcare vampires
We must remove the ugly tentacles of government from about our lives one nasty sucker at a time
We’ll save their unborn bastard kids one after another and then line them up for prison in single file
Nice and easy, they are lowering our living standards so slowly that we really cannot quite notice

Regained my sanity by conquering their spiteful confusion, thanks to my greater spiritual authority
Recognizing gods mysterious ways has freed me from that dark and threatening liberal uncertainty
Got spiritual support available 24x7 should their porn-like propaganda seem about to overcome me
Just a few bad dreams now and then to remind me of the ungodly web of secularity I have escaped

Unloaded my troublesome burdens to those wise young central market planners down on Wall Street
Focused on important stuff: my ignorant kids, diabetic wife, red meat, gas prices and corpro-sports
My bros and I, shoulder to shoulder, fat guts hanging out, stave off each and every new regulation
Fighting that New World Order one day at a time with fastfood, cheap imports and cable TV news

I gotta keep it simple and real, under control and without contradictions, focused on the present
Wont be tricked into that awful anxiety by them one-worlder’s falsely crying wolf...again and again
Pray with me for a moment and their artificial, media-induced uncertainty will pass once more
God knows bringing home the red bacon and putting the white bread on the table is task enough…

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not So Heroic Small Businesses

Small businesses make up: 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs, 49.2 percent of private-sector
Such a blessing - All those nowhere jobs created by their greedy, one-track, entrepreneurial fervor
Totally temporary, minimum wage positions featuring both unsafe as well as toxic working conditions
Workers with absolutely no hope of sharing in whatever success might accrue to patriotic owners
Their foreheads stamped “Disposable”, just like any illegale, renter, car buyer or black convict

And praise be to those toiling so deep within those vast and dark passages of our wondrous economy
But remember that, legally, they all work at the will of the vacuous heroes of smalltime capitalism
Ever running vacuums, scraping paint or washing dishes, they share in the quiet dignity of work
We commend their Self-Responsibility while prodding their asses with the dire threat of poverty

They exercise a rightful choice to forego unaffordable insurance and then pray not to get hurt or sick
They watch their brave masters burn out on vapid children, trophy wives and costly hobbies
They are summarily fired for the slightest hint of a bad attitude or any trace of a mind of their own
Loyal for years as foremen or managers, they are indentured servants to be dismissed with nothing

Ah, small business, the engine of our economy, more than ever a perfect reflection of our society
Without health insurance or pension obligations owners enjoy a pure and unfettered competition
Laying awake at night, scheming to put off creditors while somehow speeding up their cash flow
Happy to vote to secure our borders even as they utterly depend upon swindling their illegal workers

Fiercely independent yet wedded to and fleeced by corporate finance, just like everybody else
Ducking in and out of business ahead of a few overwhelmed and underpaid public investigators
Suffering not a whisper of collective bargaining to maintain their iron fast, exploitative grips
Saving money with battered desks on tattered carpets in dark and dingy, rarely-cleaned offices

Cutting back on the coffee and paper towels, toilet tissue, janitorial services and insurance
Fielding fleets of worn-out and ill-maintained vehicles without any liability to their lowly operators
Skimming off cash tax-free while fighting any unemployment benefits for all those they discard
Writing off big lunches and new cars, grudgingly granting workers dirty kitchens and old refrigerators

Profiting well by exposing laborers to toxins every day while treating them as lowpaid untouchables
Creating most of our new jobs right along with the vast majority of our working class poverty
Wetly Judas-Kissed by a well-oiled media that’s run by invisibly-interlocked corporate entities
Spending heavily to support those who promise never to even mention raising the minimum wage

Held up by politicians as the creative fount, bedrock and engine of our most wondrous economy
Laughingly derided as chumps by their corporate betters in private glass offices, toasting bonuses
Cynically but convincingly lauded as innovative leaders by those who are really in control
Their niche innovations one by one offshored into profitable knockoffs by the Big Boys

Counting on the economic meltdown to foster a fear-driven flexibility in their frightened workers
Playing the fragile recovery card to avoid taxes, regulation, hiring and to renege on pension benefits
Wrapping the flag about themselves while mouthing how their greedy actions are truly, so patriotic
Their monomaniacal greed and bug-eyed insecurity is the real driving force of our economic power

To Those Nobly Defending Our Faraway Homeland

have you confused honor with blindly following inane orders from uninvested, faraway politicos?
did you give up your duty to critical thought to unquestioningly follow any and all orders?

whose lives have you seen get better despite your expensive and lonely efforts?
did we thoughtlessly just go to the mall as you uncritically destroyed societies to keep us safe?

wake up brave defender of my freedom, things are not getting better – either here or there
sorry but your comrades sacrifices actually are in vain given the corruptness of the host countries

you’re not to blame for going or for ‘losing’ but – it is your decision to deploy and…re-deploy
greedy subcontractors are growing rich doing nothing – while enjoying your protection

the rest of the world did not support you then and still they sadly shake their heads
why should you take an IED for the televised political speech bravery of our artificial leaders?

guess what, the Hajis really do hate you and want to see you dead or gone
just because you volunteered, did they also make you check your brain at Paris Island?

how’s it feel to be a web-based pawn in the war games they play – From inside The Clean and Safe?
following their faith-based orders for duty, honor and country has brought shame upon us all

you may choose to die for their fantasy but please don’t think you’re doing it for me
hey, can you fight harder for other’s rights and freedom by giving up all of your own?

yo, boots on the ground - are you just mindless puppets who simply take any and all orders?
quit being tools in their foolish blunders until they send their own kids

bring back your Guard helicopters for all the disasters here at home
look, you’re getting vile pity instead of honor for their wanton and wasteful sacrifice

you can’t have any kind of wining tactics because they have no real objective
they can’t simply let it fall or go all in to win so they just leave your tough asses hangin out

even seeing eye dogs have to disobey orders which are a danger to their owners
do you think the little kids will ask you if you were there when they saved the Middle East?

you’ll share a lot of alienated isolation with those who were wasted since long ago in ‘Nam
mealy-mouthed politicians are profiting from your hardships to get themselves elected

they used your sense of duty and honor to waste your lives on their personal savior’s fool mission
if you really want to do nation building, come on home - we need all the help we can get

like even they said - there ain’t gonna be no parades and no surrender ceremony
but you may well be left to nightmares, phantom pain and a lonely and alienated depression

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Leaders During Times Of Uncertainty

We’re not bringing on even 1 more fulltimer if there’s even the remotest chance of new regulations
Why, who in their right mind would expand their workforce given the threat of a liberal takeover?
No Sir - We absolutely demand a permanently-guaranteed certainty, 100% backed by the government
Look, we’re not hiring if there’s even a hint of that damn socialist nannying out there on the horizon

Anyways, we can still squeeze a few more hours out of our reduced and scared-shitless illegale staff
Really, the techno-peasant class are not even looking for different jobs – Because there all the same!
We just finished defaulting on the pensions of the last group so we’re not about to bring on any more
Why, we got millions of the over-eager underemployed or quit-looking who’ll Temp for nothing

Cant even believe them wackos might go so far as to try and reduce emissions, in these hard times
And that deficit, my god, and they still want more money for foolish waste like clean energy
Well, the big boys keep on getting fat bonuses to design, build and do support from overseas ---
So why shouldn’t we be able to mistreat and cheat some illegal aliens right here at home, too?

We fear a raise in that job-killing minimum wage or that unconstitutional universal health insurance
We really need more high tech visas and it’s not just because they work for nothing and can’t quit
Gotdam EPA got no right to be perpetrating this emissions regulating hoax - especially right now
Christ, what if they get rid of the budget-busting tax dodges we’ve come to rely on for our survival?

Yes, we can easily ignore problems created by global warming - But not its potential regulation
The toxic effects of our mercury emissions don’t phase us - Unlike possibly having to control them
This illegal government healthcare takeover has stripped us of our rights so we froze our hiring plans
We must ensure that god is part of our gov’t but also that the gov’t stays out of our businesses

Can’t be competitive til the government assumes our pension promises to long-ago-offshored workers
What if, say, those greenie crackpots start taxing coal mining and oil drilling for environmental costs?
The merest hint of any so-called progressive social initiatives instantly freezes our reactionary blood
They just gotta quit threatening this permanently-fragile recovery of the world’s mightiest economy

Providing a good business climate simply does not involve costly so-called infrastructure investments
If they just back off, We can best provide for all of our futures by blindly maximizing our profit today
Just feed them the pabulum of really slick propaganda chased by a choked-up God Bless America
Clean air, safe water, healthy soil and species habitat will never appear on our balance sheets

Look, we just want predictable and profitable government shelter as enjoyed by Big Oil and Pharma
They keep talking of ending petroleum subsidies and pushing cockamamie solar & wind giveaways
Why, there’s even whispers we might consider reducing our sacred military budget increases
Cant they see that junk-science regulations simply cost our honest working families jobs and money?

The idea of having to clean up our mess scares us way more than any perils that stuff might pose
Never forget that the socialist menace of collective bargaining darkens all of our staffing decisions
Now is certainly not the time to pander to a fuzzy future when so many of our citizens lack good jobs
Truly, the twin threats of taxes and regulation continue to hold our patriotic entrepreneurs hostage