Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not So Heroic Small Businesses

Small businesses make up: 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs, 49.2 percent of private-sector
Such a blessing - All those nowhere jobs created by their greedy, one-track, entrepreneurial fervor
Totally temporary, minimum wage positions featuring both unsafe as well as toxic working conditions
Workers with absolutely no hope of sharing in whatever success might accrue to patriotic owners
Their foreheads stamped “Disposable”, just like any illegale, renter, car buyer or black convict

And praise be to those toiling so deep within those vast and dark passages of our wondrous economy
But remember that, legally, they all work at the will of the vacuous heroes of smalltime capitalism
Ever running vacuums, scraping paint or washing dishes, they share in the quiet dignity of work
We commend their Self-Responsibility while prodding their asses with the dire threat of poverty

They exercise a rightful choice to forego unaffordable insurance and then pray not to get hurt or sick
They watch their brave masters burn out on vapid children, trophy wives and costly hobbies
They are summarily fired for the slightest hint of a bad attitude or any trace of a mind of their own
Loyal for years as foremen or managers, they are indentured servants to be dismissed with nothing

Ah, small business, the engine of our economy, more than ever a perfect reflection of our society
Without health insurance or pension obligations owners enjoy a pure and unfettered competition
Laying awake at night, scheming to put off creditors while somehow speeding up their cash flow
Happy to vote to secure our borders even as they utterly depend upon swindling their illegal workers

Fiercely independent yet wedded to and fleeced by corporate finance, just like everybody else
Ducking in and out of business ahead of a few overwhelmed and underpaid public investigators
Suffering not a whisper of collective bargaining to maintain their iron fast, exploitative grips
Saving money with battered desks on tattered carpets in dark and dingy, rarely-cleaned offices

Cutting back on the coffee and paper towels, toilet tissue, janitorial services and insurance
Fielding fleets of worn-out and ill-maintained vehicles without any liability to their lowly operators
Skimming off cash tax-free while fighting any unemployment benefits for all those they discard
Writing off big lunches and new cars, grudgingly granting workers dirty kitchens and old refrigerators

Profiting well by exposing laborers to toxins every day while treating them as lowpaid untouchables
Creating most of our new jobs right along with the vast majority of our working class poverty
Wetly Judas-Kissed by a well-oiled media that’s run by invisibly-interlocked corporate entities
Spending heavily to support those who promise never to even mention raising the minimum wage

Held up by politicians as the creative fount, bedrock and engine of our most wondrous economy
Laughingly derided as chumps by their corporate betters in private glass offices, toasting bonuses
Cynically but convincingly lauded as innovative leaders by those who are really in control
Their niche innovations one by one offshored into profitable knockoffs by the Big Boys

Counting on the economic meltdown to foster a fear-driven flexibility in their frightened workers
Playing the fragile recovery card to avoid taxes, regulation, hiring and to renege on pension benefits
Wrapping the flag about themselves while mouthing how their greedy actions are truly, so patriotic
Their monomaniacal greed and bug-eyed insecurity is the real driving force of our economic power

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