That leftist sustainability scam is just more of their worn-out take
from the rich and give to the poor
This leveling of the market playing field will encourage competition
and lower consumer prices
We will never confuse such evil murderers and terrorist thugs with
these honorable freedom fighters
Our CEO is transitioning out to pursue other opportunities and to
spend more time with his family
Counsel has advised us that department policy prohibits my commenting
on ongoing investigations
We must preserve the sanctity of marriage and provide prayer, not sex
education, in our schools
Its not the puppeteering of oil-rich countries - Its the right thing
to do in the global war on terrorism
Trying once again to further its vast hidden agenda, the biased
liberal media has twisted our remarks
To preserve our heritage, we must strive to replace these activist
judges with strict constructionists
Compassionate conservatism is sacred-duty-bound to emphatically
reject this global land mine treaty
Yellow terrorist-coddlers who do not support our troops: You’re
either with us or we’re against you
Wouldn’t you feel nobler bravely staying the course, not cutting
and running like say French cowards?
Ours is a society based upon the rule of law - but we can quietly
deny funding to selected statutes
Being at war requires exceptionally wide, covert government
activities to obtain private information
Failure to pass this bill will put our brave troops at risk and bring
great guilt and shame upon us all
Government intervention is always to be avoided – But, these banks
are simply too big to fail
Market competition will ensure that ours remains ThE Finest Health
Care System ever on ThE planet
Expensive and unnecessary regulations based upon dishonest junk
science are simply evil job-killers
Local Control enables MultiNats controlling the resources to make our
optimum economic decisions
No outside intervention will be tolerated during our
preemptively-defensive invasion of liberation
These eco-loco fringe schemes are foolish, unnecessary and costly in
terms of jobs and money
I say to my Soft-On-Defense opponent: This noble Crusade is not
some Vietnam-style quagmire
We must stop these evil killers over there or soon we will be
fighting them right here at home
Our Coalition of the Willing proved ready to step up and do
the right thing to defend freedom
Actually, the existence, causes and any real effects of climate
change are still an unproven theory
It is well-understood that death by friendly fire does occur and,
though sad, is inevitable
But, our regrettable collateral damage must not be conflated with
their slaughter of innocents
Jesus protects me from guilt, shame and squishy flip-flopping on any
decision we make together
We must repeal this Death Tax that liberal nannys waste on funding
unconstitutional social programs
Look, we are calling for a simple troop redeployment and that is, in
no way, some cowardly retreat
We support market-driven energy independence via generous ethanol,
oil and coal industry subsidies
We can all point to our recent legislation increasing debt without
raising taxes as a bipartisan victory
I obtained my post-congress lobbying position due to my
expertise...not for my legislative favors
High gas prices are devastating working families and require that we
deregulate and grant tax breaks
We are unable to compete globally being hobbled by those ponzi
pension obligations we promised
We will never permit their brave sacrifice in our <egotistic,
immoral and illegal> wars to be in vain