Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum Shatters Global Warming Hoax

The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum – a time period of high CO2 56 million years ago when it was 9°F warmer than today
You and I and they aint never gonna pay for this whatever global damn warming, so just get over that
So, the real question is how can we painlessly unwedge our obese asses from out of this scam?
Well, actually, this shit has happened Before, like 56 million years ago, according to real scientists
Sure, a lot of species got wiped out but, hey, they say evilution sped up and lotsa new stuff appeared

That Arctic ocean was as warm as them filthy waters off New Jersey ever summer, way back then
And they wasn’t a bunch of plastic litter and contaminated needles washing up on the beach, either
Why, way upta Montana there was some kinda jungle, like there’s now down in litter-filled Guatemala
Sea level was like 200’ higher than today, but we already got real estate people to deal with that

It will be well over 100º for months and months on end all across ThE greatest country on the planet
But remember, we got good old, coal-fired A/C at our fingertips, so that aint gonna really bother us
Jungle vegetation, poisonous snakes and biting, disease-ridden insects will move up to the new warm
Yup, it’ll be a great opportunity for life forms and patriotic entrepreneurs to compete and flourish

Damn it’s good to finally have a real solid scientific basis fer bashing crap like that fool Cap-And-Trade
Anyways, it is, and always has been, in God’s hands and of His will, so we need only to seek happiness
Yup, hell with that Paris Agreement, kill the dumb emission requirements and all the green energy shit
Let’s just face up to a changed world without damn coral reefs and whatever polar bears and belugas

We can all migrate on up north, Hell, Canada and Russia are just vast arctic wastelands now anyway
And think of how big that frozen dead rock called Antarctica is: We can go and fight over that, too
After all, Australia will be plain uninhabitable, but happily, so will that whole miserable Middle East!
Soon, Flarida will be far underwater – but nobody will be worrying about escaping the Snow, either 😊

We’re releasin whatever CO2 a hunert times faster than back then but that aint a proven problem
So, the good news is this: It’s God’s Will, It’s happened before and We don’t need to worry about it
We can keep smashing and grabbing our way thru: Socialist planning once again proven unnecessary
It’s wise to believe in climate change now cause real scientists we can believe, say it happened before

No more false choices between family-oriented GDP growth and that whopping global warming hoax
Look, this just demonstrates once again the foolishness of all the squishy crap coming out of that EPA
We got like 4-500 yrs to adapt to the heat and rising seas and all the CO2 will be gone in only 150K yrs
Well, sure, Himalayan glaciers and shit are going to suffer but, after all, it is Survival Of The Fittest

So, I’m embracin CO2 emissions, global warming and climate change as long as it don’t raise my taxes
Just had to wait a while for the right explanation to come up sos we can all get on message together
Yippee, yer gonna see palm trees instead of corn fields in Ioway and Calarada aint gonna get no snow
But it don’t frackin matter cause we aint gonna hafta pay for any wack and useless CO2 containment

This is the stuff of a soundbite answer to those who would risk jobs and money for some vague future
Now we can reframe climate change as a minor inconvenience laced with great economic opportunity
It’s exactly the kind of do-nothing quick-fix we needed to celebrate as a bipartisan victory for us all
So next time they whine about that awful Global Warmin tell em to go study up on that good ol PETM

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