Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mental Projectile Vomit

Tried to stay real quiet, like off in the background, just getting by with my family on some local level
But this wack media contagion produces a purulent, pus-like slime that I must squeeze from my head
It’s involuntary: Like throwing up spoiled food or the productive green cough of an old lung infection
It’s obviously infinitesimal, but still infinitely more than all of their tiredly-tacit approval combined

Had to have something to point to, maybe to say I told them so, just by bearing this useless witness
I must compulsively and repeatedly examine my effluent like any good geriatric dog turd inspector
Like one of those horrible six foot tapeworms, at maturity it just simply had to try and crawl out
Note: It’s absolutely confused, pointless and random given the ongoing fool accident that is my life

I am forced to try to expel all the rotten advertising, filthy propaganda, dirty lies and false promises
I strive to relieve the cramps produced by the twisted facts I had always swallowed without chewing
Hoped that I could belch out the mercury, lead, diesel fumes, plastic particulates and food additives
Struggled painfully to disgorge those spiny contradictions which simply worked deeper into my gut

Had to say something, or correctly be filed away among all the lazy, ignorant and righteously blind
I’m still exuding lumps of half-digested morals, pre-masticated beliefs and half-baked family values
It’s not from any ethereal inspiration: I’m simply overflowing with a compressed & composted excess
It aint from higher moral ground: It’s more like purging myself by kneeling before the porcelain god

A spasmodic expulsion of squirming masses of festering inconsistencies has become my moral orgasm
So now I regularly excrete unsorted wads of greasy old sales pitches, and that briefly calms me
I suffer a revolting flatulence from the additives found in their incessant hot air political releases
But I had to have something to point to, though I’m quite aware its meaning is only within my mind

I sneeze constantly from allergies to their suits, ties, makeup, lapel flags and flashy propaganda
I just couldn’t remain a placid, bovine team player until they callously outsourced me permanently
There’s just too much bad shit going on that I don’t agree with to nod quietly off, drugged by TV
Dont want them to think I leave Raptured, mutely accepting their vapid smoke, noise and pettiness

Yeah, setting the record straight with feeble, unheard squeaks that evaporate as quickly as I do
This aint no call to action, not looking for followers - Just trying to wipe my brain like I do my ass
Yup, I realize that it’s only for me - not for anyone else to pay attention to, understand or adopt
Motivated solely to purge after my lifelong grunting suckle at the toxic teat of a rancid consumerism

Couldn’t let all their self-serving shit slide any more, even as I slip off into the collective oblivion
Of course it doesn’t matter - but it’s easily as meaningful as the crap they portray as so important
Anyways, not even every whispered sigh of the wind in the trees is heard, much less listened to
It’s just that a rare side-effect of being fattened on pureed bullshit is mental projectile vomiting

Had to say something just for myself but aware that it cant move even one molecule out in the void
This foul waste will soon be more diluted than minnow shit in a stream draining into some vast ocean
But: I aint using whatever mute testimony or like strong silence to let them impute my core beliefs
Nope, I’m leavin a steamin pile of ‘em right here to dry up and blow away along with my lame ashes

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