Thursday, May 16, 2013

Almost Monday Morning

Well, it’s almost Monday morning, wunce agin without no warnin
Said things was getting better cause us ducks caint get much wetter
I aint no bailed-out bankin snob or getting by on your basic welfare fraud
Yup, its halfpast Sunday evnin, and it sure aint no help ta grievin

Yessir, it’s almost Monday morning and who was it said poverty is boring
Took the kids out fer their school clothes but they just wanted them new iPhones
They aint goin to no sock hops and they wont wear stuff from no thrift shops
And its halfpast Sunday evnin, so maybe I’ll jest take to thievin

Hey, it’s almost Monday mornin and the wife’s jist back from whorin
Ma old truck needs new tires and I still aint fixed them melted wires
Caint buy no real cigarettes but we’re still gettin good fastfood nerishmint
Sure its halfpast Sunday evnin and once more I get this dream of leavin

Listen, it’s almost Monday morning and the traffics not yet quite roaring
99 weeks of unemployment aint exactly what I’d think of as enjoyment
All the kids can text but their meds give em readin side effects
Once again it’s halfpast Sunday evnin and I heard them liberals schemin

It’s almost Monday mornin and we done drunk up the rent again, little dorlin
Got doctors down to the ER, but that free dentist is just too damn far
Already sucked up all the good beer, looks like my youngest really is queer
Wow, it’s halfpast Sunday evening but see I get this trouble breathin

Christ, it’s almost Monday mornin and the bill collecters will be callin
Hey, its really just like its rainin so there aint no use to complainin
The broke junk all comes from Shanghai and their phones all go ta Mumbai
Holy shit, it’s halfpast Sunday evenin with nothin to believe in

Whoa, it’s almost Monday morning and I still aint buyin that global warmin
We get Cheetos with our food stamps so this modular aint no refugee camp
Blame it mainly on them squishes so I aint takin no job washin dishes
Man, it’s halfpast Sunday evenin and the grandkids wont stop screemin

Look out, it’s almost Monday mornin and this hangover’s sure is splittin
Sissie run off to live with her real dad when they met up down to Rehab
The wife stays somewhere over the rainbow and I got a growth on my elbow
Why it’s halfpast Sunday evenin and I still caint git in touch with my real feelins

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