Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Phony Issues We Could Righteously Ignore

But still: Faith, Family and Freedom did prevail
Took no action that might curb the disgusting obesity epidemic decimating the pickup and SUV class
Still kept our stupid noses way too far up in that filthy Middle East and there still aint no progress
Oh, yeah, never did get the big banks small enough to be able to just let their greedy asses fail
Didn’t really even talk about declining family income and the rapidly shrinking middle class at all

Whoops, them Great Lakes keep being abused as convenient combination dump and sewage lagoon
Dangit, really need to get BigAg to save water, use less fertilizer and lay off pesticides, Sometime
Cows, pigs and chickens are still breeding resistant microbes after being overdosed on antibiotics
Weren’t able to convince the Best and Brightest to do real work instead of hollow Wall Street scams

Forgot to start rebuilding the roads, bridges, electric grid, water systems and ports - once again
Didn’t have the time to eat right but were able to gorge enough fast food to add a few more pounds
Denied any obligation to those unaborted, sinful single-parent children destined only to go to jail
Unknowingly increased our toxic emissions by another 16% last year despite the economic slowdown

Failed to realize that expiring temporary stimuli automatically morph into forbidden tax increases
The diabetes plague raged on as gov’t subsidies for the corn syrup that cause it remained unchanged
Never even heard as ignorant foreigners laughed at our gridlocked government like a bad Polack joke
Didn’t concern ourselves with the Feds collecting vast amounts of our private information in secret

Shoot, really shoulda maybe taken a quick look at all those ever-filthier rivers and streams
That purulently over-complicated tax code coulda been reworked…
Woulda tried ta lower my cholesterol and stuff but, bein busy, why, fast food was the cheapest
Forgot about repairing, reusing, repurposing and recycling after that there Great Recession

They still refused to learn English but we’re real busy putting everything in Spanish, so it’s OK
Still paying absurdly exorbitant cable, cell and internet bills but barely getting 3rd world service…
Got beyond preventing climate change but neglected to even start planning for its very real effects
Didn’t remember to look for alternative news outlets and kept on single-sourcing my canned opinions

Ignored controlling the costliest yet least effective health care system of all the developed countries
Forgot to stop staring as their overpaid, ignorant fupball giants in shiny tights bent over in fronta me
Lost track of quality of life indicators but remained focused only on unemployment, GDP and stocks
Once again avoided statistics about our precious children falling behind in reading, math and science

Didnt notice that the unemployment rate went down mostly cause lots of people just gave up looking
Still disregard that BigAg poisons our soils and lets them blow away in the interests of larger bonuses
Subconsciously overlooked the record numbers without insurance, on welfare and using food stamps
Kept confusing Yankee Ingenuity with offshoring design, production and support for fat CEO bonuses

Omitted demanding the secret sauces they’re fracking into our drinking water to export fossil fuels
Just let that giant, smelly and toxic dead spot at the Mississippi delta remain our fair nation’s anus
Maintained a Survival of the Fittest attitude regarding the mass extinction our overpopulation caused
Forgot we’re hurtling towards endless oblivion while looking forward only to one more lost weekend

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