Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our Ordained Exceptionist Burden

      Indeed, We are a special people, with a mandate from heaven to lead from our shining city on the hill.
For so it is written: God chose us over the heathen and we don’t even hafta try and understand why
Global treaties and agreements don’t bind us, but we’ll harshly enforce them upon our evil enemies
We provide ThE moral compass to all His creation, read by the guiding light from our revealed truth
Our blessed children lead the world in ignorant pride – But, not in reading, science, math or morals

Trained in contempt for histry, we do totally trust in our newly-minted Traditional Family Values™
And of course, Ours Is thE finest healthcare system in the En-tire world, despite all yer ‘satistics’
Absolutely, We have the right to live large off credit debt provided by whatever asian peasants
Gridlock, tempered by a total lack of political will, exemplifies our noble checks and balances system

We do not torture but, Look - Enhanced interrogation techniques did save thousands of our citizens
We justly pump billions to our bankers even as we demand foreign countries free up their currencies
Our Preemptively-Defensive Wars Of Liberation bear no relation to their Evil Terrorist Aggression
We may exploit our tiny remaining old growth as we wisely counsel others to total eco-preservation

We still proudly tout equality though our rich get richer, the poor poorer and the middle class shrinks
Only we can loose the vainglorious God Bless America edict following each and every political speech
We shall never confuse our divinely-granted Exceptionism with but mere circumstance or dumb luck
Subsidizing industrial agriculture exports is proper for us but quite immoral for the rest of the world

We don’t need costly new roads, bridges, dams, power grids and water works like them feriners do
We can warn of their increased military outlays even as we outspend them all combined: Every Year!
We shall never be bound by any international treaty which might threaten our precious sovereignty
We can smirkingly diss junk climate research citing our rigged opinion polls of the clueless population

We scorn Islamic republics though we too make our political decisions privately with personal saviors
Our divinely granted role is to prevent them obtaining WMDs, even as we modernize our huge stocks
Our god is love and he does direct us to remain the world’s greatest weapons producer and exporter
He blesses our government support of brutal dictatorships so long as they sell our donors trade favors

Follow our lead into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease and stroke
Of course, you may enjoy your freedom of religion, but you’re not free from our religious intolerance
Just be happy to pay criminals to smuggle you here so you can be mistreated and exploited by fools
Naturally, you should happily swallow our media although we can’t find your Whateverstan on a map

Everyone: Give up your land mines and chemical arms but, naturally we’ll keep ours close at hand
God guides our unmanned drones into their dusty hovels but satan flew as a terrorist co-pilot on 9/11
Keep your foreign noses out of our business, but you obey this UN resolution or we’ll begin air strikes
You cannot try our citizens in your World Court but we’ll help them catch and punish our enemies

Our beacon of hope to the world is so much more than a neon reflection of our smarmy propaganda
Only we have the divine right to lecture others on human rights, ecology and fiscal responsibility
Frack all yer so-called objective measures, This here is still ThE greatest country on gods green earth
For we alone wear the exceptionist leadership mantel granted to the family of man by our redeemer

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