Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Inalienable Reperductive Rights

Yup, god give us the duty ta drop all the damn kids we want without needin no license er trainin
We can proudly pass on shared ignorance and media-generated superstition just as much as we want
Look, dinit our precious savior say ta go forth and out-multiply them filthy infiydels, anyways?
It’s easy to see that overpopolation is one more phony left-wing plot, just like that global warmin

Mothers really dont need fathers to raise children, so you go on ahead, get high and pregnant agin
We’ll stand with you, shoot the abortion killers then abandon your bastard kids to poverty and prison
Yes, we can - Piously ignore the fact that the poor over-propagate while the educated barely breed
Our land needs many more people anyway cuz we gotta meet the growin threata them asian hordes

Don’t forget that god grants us the right to kill to prevent abortionist murder of the innocent unborn
But, after that, it’s every fatherless 6th generation welfare crank mother’s amoral, fat kid fer itself
Duh-uh, of course! All your blessed progeny toddle happily off into a brighter future than you did
They’ll outcompete the world for the best new McJobs over ta Wal*Mart, Conoco and Starbucks

After all aint them Traditional Family Values™ they got everybody on all about our precious children?
We just need to mono-crop miracle GMOs on more razed marginal habitat to meet our food needs
By God, aint nobody gonna tell you that yer too stupid, unhealthy, ignerant and poor to have kids!
You caint help with homework but you can sure teach em how to drink, fight, be lazy and get fat

Not only is it against gods will, your so-called family planning is namely a racist and genocidal plot
Look, Ārăb terrorists out-reperduce us right now so its our sacred duty to rear lotsa new believers
We aint overpopulatin like some damn algae bloom on the earth that’s doomed to crash real hard
The sky aint fallin and the world can support 10 billion people with only a coupla real minor tweaks

So, yeah, go ingrain yer kids with such true patriotic ideals like self-entitlement and ignerent pride
They’ll figure out slick ways to bottle recycled sewage and Ag-chemical runoff water fer drinkin
Anybody who says we are like robbing the future haint looked at my darlin’ offspring lately
Goddamn right every life is sacred: Even if we pre-condemn it to an ignorant and grinding poverty

After all, we aint never lettin facists or liberals get up there and tell us who kin breed and who caint
Plus, the government owes us fat subsidies and tax breaks for reperducing according ta His will
All of those foregone little bastards got the right to rot at the same failed schools and costly prisons
Masturbation, prostitution and birth control are also mortal sins, so dont you ever go there, either

Hey, But there aint no way we’re letting them wicked and depraved queers get help havin kids
Yet we must help the handicapped fulfill they human destinies with costly, hi-tech reperductive aids
Our evangelicals can proudly push His message of faith-based abstention onto them foreign heathens
We’ll shuffle our own unwanted and neglected to foster homes and such til theyre old enough for jail

We’ll just let the free market provide pre-natal care for the unborn in sin of them godless iniquitous
They can get their damn infant enrichment laying in baskets at the poisoned edges of the onion fields
The entire world population could all comfortably fit into west Texas, so what is your real agenda?
Yup, with god and country on our side, our sacred duty is to spread our seed, be fruitful and multiply

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