If there is not yet explicit regulation on their newest
chemical additive, they wont study it’s effects
Like teens who haven’t developed morality, they smash, grab
and slink away in every direction
Closet leaders fear regulations far more than any
societal problems their corporate activities create
In fact, they pay gibberish-speaking lawyers fortunes to
amorally circumvent good faith legislation
But they make up for it with warm and folksy ads glorifying
their respect and love for their people
Technically avoiding doing what is right is a profitable
game they’ve rigged, and they play hardball
Fact is, if you don’t ease up on the intrusive regulations,
they’ll find tax breaks someplace that will
And how the workers clamor for jobs they provide that keep
their families just at the poverty line
They’ll tell you to your face that mining waste cleanup
truly has no place on their income statements
Besides, no rules prohibited them declaring bankruptcy,
moving away and leaving us a mess behind
It was more profitable to fight health claims for years in
court rather than to aid sick ex-employees
They are not responsible for outsourced ingredients,
manufacturing or design, and so it should stay
Sagely they take advantage of lower labor costs overseas,
helping everyone to an equal poverty level
They trumpet their social advances even though their workers
cannot afford the items they produce
But, lo, their own payouts increase yearly, just as surely
as healthcare costs and defense outlays
Loading loan fund tranches with dogs and hedging against
their purchasers was not explicitly illegal
They’ll spin off unprofitable divisions so fast it makes
their workers heads spin in unemployment lines
They routinely swallow up each other using that merge, cut
labor 20% and reap-a-fat-bonus formula
Their empty ruthlessness masked by folksy spokespeople
pushing an expensive but empty spin
Accountants advise them it’s more profitable to buy research
than to stop poisoning mother’s milk
Their fanatical need to money and power is genetically free
of any element of social responsibility
Safe behind anonymizing corporate doors they freely exercise
their compulsive and narrow excesses
Their lack of empathy regarding the effect of their actions
on others is just vile corporate sociopathy
Like deceitful pre-adolescents, their complicated defense is
really: You never said not to do Tha-yat
They take full $credit for success but deny any knowledge
and control when ‘excesses’ are revealed
It’s funny how their expensive expertise transfers from soft
drinks to computer software, undiluted
But don’t you try to get a job in another field
without both Years of training and Lots of experience
And don’t forget their legacies – fictionalized biographies,
as artificial as their bogus press releases
When legislation finally comes, their cleanup is
grandfathered out and off they go to freer markets
They cancel pensions to remain competitive but their
ironclad contracts pay off come profit or loss
Their glitzy stories change with each co-opted social
movement but they never lose their real focus
They lobby fiercely against rules to cure side-effects any
moral being would have fixed on their own
They waltz off to re-appear under different corporate names
with their bonuses and org-charts intact
They follow the letter of the law, profiting on the
not-yet-explicitly-prohibited for as long as possible
Quietly pulling strings, pushing buttons and making
donations, they flourish outside of governments
little banty roosters in tailored suits strutting adroitly around laws their
own lawyers crafted
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