Saturday, March 16, 2013

Conservative Focus On What Really Matters

We hold the gravity of these ignorant and selfish concerns to be self-evident
Gas must remain artificially-cheap that we may commute like overstuffed sausages in giant roadhogs
Never shall taxes be increased to pay for costly, tried-and-failed, bleeding-heart social programs
Nitwit foolishness such as this pukish recycling nonsense usurps our hallowed individual freedom
And abortion shall remain foremost among the violations of our savior’s will which must be rectified

The omnipotent blind hand of the free market shall be our blunt tool in repairing all societal issues
Gun control must come to mean simply that wives and children hold steady aim at intended targets
Without reflection, we remain unflinchingly positive that This is ThE greatest country on the planet
Fool intrusions into private enterprise like mercury limits on power plants simply cannot be tolerated

We shall strive to bring God into our government while keeping its regulators out of our businesses
Our borders have to be secure but we must hire workers for those jobs real Americans just won’t do
High taxes and intrusive rules kill the patriotic initiative of our bold, job-creating entrepreneurs
Our children shall lead the world despite their pathetic global status in reading, math and science

Bringing prayer to school ranks right up near the top of any list of the most important issues we face
Government-run bureaucrat-controlled Death Panels must never control our choice of a family doctor
Global Warming is just an unproven, junk science theory - Undeserving of any government concern
Our leaders must make the important decisions in private conversations with their personal saviors

Always remember that the bible plainly states: Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman
It goes without saying that we must outgun them all combined or be overrun by the godless heathen
We always have time to eat and drink while watching Football, for it truly reinforces our core values
Black-or-White, Right-or-Wrong, Heaven-or-Hell: That’s how we counter this elitist overcomplication

It is our god-given right to as many children as we see fit without training or income to support them
Texans epitomize the laissez-faire, ignorance-braced lifestyle that we should all be striving to attain
Government does best out of the way sos to let SmashAndGrab MultiNats rule from corporate closets
We must soldier on until that over-reaching, job-killing EPA is abolished and all its rules rolled back

Resolved: Our right to idle alone thru long drive-thru lines in 9 passenger SUVS shall not be abridged
Inexpensive meat, however produced, is going to remain front and center at all our family dinners
We must hold the line against overreaching so-called investments in whatever socialist infrastructure
Rich conservatives are obviously the ones who have the best interests of working people at heart :}

Scientific debates with donor implications can best be decided via slanted twitter opinion polls
Anonymized, sociopathic corporate clones in expensive suits are ideal for closet national stewardship
Obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are matters of personal responsibility, not public health
We must promulgate our morality globally thanks to our god’s assigning us this Exceptionist role

It makes economic sense to live for free in homes with underwater loans sunk by drawing out equity
Everyone agreed social security was nearly solvent so naturally its payroll tax funding was cut
Permanently passing all cost increases onto patients will obviously fix our broken healthcare system
Loyal OutSourcers are striving to bring back middle class jobs for our deserving, talented workforce

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