Sunday, March 17, 2013

Once We Cared: Outgrew That

Long ago, why, way back when last century, we felt for the burning rivers and them poisoned lakes
Now we’re far too far online for that kind of squishy, job-killing, non-profit, lo-def kind of spam
Wow, so groups actually demonstrated for clean air without using like any digital organization?
Once, 3 or 4 billion people ago, we even thought that over-population posed The major threat

Laws once passed with agencies created have now been long un-enforced and, indeed, de-funded
No time now to protest Big Chicken wastes or Big Coal mountaintop removal…or Big Anything Else
Look at these old videos of them longhairs whining about like dying trees and disappearing species
Our weak economy and high costs to families in jobs and money are our proper interests now

It was so long ago, and we were callow, idealistic youth but look - even we grew out of it
From the advanced perspective of our always-on eLives, its easy to see beyond our misguided ideals
Imagine: we once even hoped to integrate human society into systems that balance the natural world
Thankfully, we were finally able to decide what really is important and what cannot be changed

Once we cared about acid rain, deforestation, sprawl, smog, peace, love, cooking and meditation
But we got off the weed, part-timed our MBAs, found jesus and focused in on family consumerism
We view today’s endocrine disruptors and PCB mutations as simply indicators of our blessed progress
Now we proudly poll high on environmentalism but quietly we’re good with our leaders doing nothing

Anyway, factory pollution is way, way down since CEOs bonused-out shifting all production to China
But we still need more deregulation for the energy independence to commute alone in giant pickups
Not to worry, cities are going ‘back to nature’ now - bulldozing thousands of abandoned crack houses
Then we were stoned, sitting cross-legged knitting sweaters, canning foods and wearing green θ tees

That was long before we learned to leverage no down payment liar loans into negative savings rates
You see, times were simpler then, before this global warming scam threatened our family lifestyle
I digitized all of my old pictures, but they aren’t really Hi-def and everyone looks way too skinny
Hear the old songs playing in the 6 snack food aisles now while I stuff my cart with puffy cellophane

Why, once we even thought that our careers needed to be fulfilling and contribute to a better world
But, we’ve adjusted to being soon-to-be-forever-offshored wage slaves via our mindless consumption
Now we can make fun of birdwatchers, hikers, bikers and anybody else who’s not gas-powered
At last we matured into proudly-ignorant libertarians and assumed our ordained exceptionist mantle

Used to doubt the wisdom of unregulated oligarchies but now we totally get this Self-Responsibility
Learned that subsidized Big Agriculture competition ensures us a healthy and sustainable food supply
Imagine, we once thought simple prevention could actually solve many health and crime problems
There was a time, long before we left them to the pre-funeralists, that we rejected our elders’ ways

Once we were even concerned over like spotted owls and salmon runs, urban sprawl and toxic trash
Times must have been so much simpler then, before we started driving these giant 8 passenger SUVs
Praise the lord and adjust the thermostat, send a text and click on that latest deep truth tweet
Thanks to our modern wisdom, now we see how idealistic fantasies always decay into failed socialism

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