Thursday, February 21, 2013

Theys Nethin Either Side Can Do, Right?

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I can do
You caint even slow global warming and they caint get them idolaters to accept lord jesus as savior
Dont even bother tryin to save the whales, tuna, seals, dolphins, elephants, tigers – Or the unborn
Theyre gonna get abortions, use birth control and spit up bastard kids despite yer faith-based efforts
Ha-Ha, you aint gonna shrink dEfense but social security and medycare will fer sure get gutted

Look, hardly anybody’s ever gonna drive them cramped, uncomfortable, unsafe, teeny eco-cars
You might as well try and outlaw flagwaving as get them to make a little bit less unnecessary noise
Gahead - Recycle, cut back on driving, and whatever 100 ways to save the planet – It’s so pointless.
Sorry, this aint ‘ThE Greatest Country On The Planet’ no matter how often or how loud you chant it

They wont stop preferring wasted corpro-sports and phony entertainment news to in-depth reports
Squishes will keep advancing junk-science and job-killing regelations despite your smirking dismissals
NeoCons will control the dumbed-down lower class with their fake folksy twang in spite of yer op-eds
There’s nothing you can do to stop liberals always demotivating the rich just to waste it on the poor

You cant change the fact that football really is one of ThE most important parts of their wasted lives
You wont figure out why they think raw vegetables and tofu beat doublemeat bacon cheese burgers
It’s worthless trying to understand how their free market will provide healthcare for single mothers
Don’t think yer gonna stop them whinin about unimportant shit like air pollution and mining runoff

In the end, all yer flag-wavin and bible-thumpin aint jack against a vast liberal fakenews conspiracy
They aint gonna start thinking for themselves what with that huge buffet of free FastFox soundbites
Them godless NewAgers wont ever accept the absolute truth of our new Traditional Family Values
The SmashAndGrab capitalists will always snickeringly-dismiss your chickenshit sustainabilly efforts

Hey, hey, hey that damn EPA is here to stay, and I mean expensively, dude, right in your fatass way
Furtive corporate leaders aint ever gonna base decisions on anything but blind and sociopathic greed
They just wont give up that unconstitutional campaign to abolish your right to bear assault weapons
The 3rd-worlders are gonna cut down their forests just like we did – No matter your cutesy calendars

Look: Homos are gonna get married and yer gonna pay fer them to breed and teach yer kids sex-ed
You’re nuts to think we’re ever gonna stop outspending the rest of the world combined, on dEfense
But, you’ll keep wastin time trying to spread your crackpot personal savior crap to the Recyclistas
The obese, diabetic heart-diseased libertarians will shoot your jogging, vegan asses from wheelchairs

They’re gonna stay right up in yer faces with lame shit about how even farm animals have like rights
Purchased politicians will always make the big decisions in private talks with their personal saviors
Sovereignty-stealing One-Worlders wont ever see the inevitable wisdom of total corpro-globalization
Despite yer NYTimes they’ll respond to a hearty God Bless America with a refrain of Drill, Baby Drill!

You aint gonna get Them to recycle until you pay them for it and shut up about fracking and shit
They’ll never see they’re being conned by RightWing puppets and you’ll blindly stand up for NPR
You wont be getting down out of your pickups and they’ll keep trying to like commute on bicycles
Yer faith-based personal savior leadership is going about as far as their wack meditating rationality

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