Thursday, April 4, 2013

This Aint No Recession

It aint no double-dip, it’s a multi-dip: And each dip lowers your living standard
Recessions end and stuff rebounds but now we lead a group known as the Undeveloping Countries
The MultiNationals behind globalization are herding everyone to a uniform level of barest subsistence
The Pakis and such are real good with it, but if you’ve ever known any better, you aint gonna like it
You’ll keep paying more and earning less with fewer benefits until we’re all globally competitive

This aint no recession: This here is a permanent fall from the artificial economic grace we once knew
And all the politicians demanding God Bless America after every speech aint gonna change it one bit
It wont be so bad, your kids have already adjusted their expectations by becoming mumbling slackers
We can probably start a patronage system for plum government jobs - like they used to have in India

But be careful of going in debt for overpriced education with the real prospect of never finding a job
Drop the cherished myth that your kids futures are always brighter than your own…It just aint so Bud!
Get ready to take on a real tax burden and simply forget about then promised entitlement programs
Just save some memories of the good old days for your grandkids – They’ll know you’ve finally lost it

We’ll read of a ponzi 3% GDP growth, but it’ll be swallowed by deliberately underestimated inflation
Get used to failing bridges, unstable power grids and a degrading environment – It’s all we can afford
But, wait: Gutlessly sociopathic, closet corporate leaders will get even richer, successful or not
For this aint even a depression, it’s just the New Normal: Work more, get less, pay more, die younger

Forget about cruise vacations, new cars, faux mansions and such treats – That’s so like 20th Century
Deal with it – You’re downsized permanently, you got no savings and your Medicare is going away
This aint no recession but rather living the new reality of being undeveloping former firstworlders
Them greedy foreigners aint gonna finance your home equity loans and credit cards no-mo, no suh

Arent no jumpstarts, quick fixes or kickstarts gonna get you a job or stop the middle class shrinking
You can safely default on all your loans and cards cause you aint gonna get no more credit anyway
You’ll laugh at the crap about finance, realestate and consumers being the engines of our prosperity
Look, we won’t tax-and-spend or budget-slash and de-regulate our way from under this just decay

Oh, and dont get any attitude or you’ll be quickly culled from the hundreds of applicants per bad job
But dont worry, they wont stop subsidizing creating of your diabetes, hypertension and heart disease
And theyll keep making the jobs worse so you wont take them, but their disposable illegales still will
This aint no business cycle, the good jobs aint comin back and thats Alabama not Whateverstan on TV

But you can still pledge your fictional soul as collateral in their imaginary-paradise-for-nothing scam
The population’s too large and cheap resources are too depleted to power more extractive prosperity
This decaying and antiquated infrastructure is still good enough for any rapidly undeveloping country
The elite will keep flying overhead, driving by with their windows up and living under tighter security

They'll keep media puppets pumping crap about how freeing markets could solve all of your problems
And, oh darn, they cant hire you now cause you been out of work too long, not cause you’re too old…
This aint no downturn, this is a nosedive: into the infectious dirt of an ignorant and 3rd world future
Its OK, your kids will accept the benefitless, peasant wages of a globalized world in economic flatline

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